Parshat Vayishlach: An old but good post
Here's a summary of, and link to, Parshat Vayishlach.
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I think I said it all in my 2004 post, Vayishlach: A family of con artists benefits from a rape. I'm sorry that I didn't notice that 2008 comment until now--it's a good one, mentioning the possibility that the rape of Dinah may have been a statutory rape. (Update: I posted a reply on Friday, November 19, 2010.)
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For my thoughts re Esav/Esau bringing an army with him to the reunion with his brother Yaakov/Jacob, see my Midrash Madness.
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Update, Friday, November 19, 2010:
- Here's Techelet's take, asking who that angel really was.
- And here's DovBear on Esav hating Yaakov, and the question of whether Esav was sincere when he kissed Yaakov at their reunion--DB says yes, some midrashim to the contrary notwithstanding. Now, if only I could read the Hebrew portion of his post . . . (I'd nag him to post a translation, but his comments aren't working, at the moment.)
I guess I'd better get off my duff and write my own thoughts on the parshah...
Thanks for sharing yours. There is so much good stuff to write about in Bereshit.
I'm looking forward to reading your post.
B'reshit certainly is full of great stories.
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